
This page describes how to setup a computer with the smart exploration package.

Installing Python

The first step is to install python on your computer. Most Unix distributions (Debian, Ubuntu, Mac OS X) come with python pre-installed. Even if python comes pre-installed on your system I still recommend installing it through Anaconda. Anaconda is a package management tool for python that makes it easy to manage packages, dependencies and environments.

The recommended version of python is 3.5 or higher. Follow the instructions for you system on the Anaconda site.

Setting up Python

It is good practice to make use of virtual environments in Python. A virtual environment is a sandbox with it’s own python interpreter and package list, using virtual environments makes it easy to keep your python installation clean. Anaconda makes it really easy to create and manage virtual environments. First we create a virtual environment

conda create --name smartstart python=3.5

The environment will get it is own directory from Anaconda in which the interpreter and packages will be installed. To use the environment we simply have to activate it

source activate smartstart

Now our terminal will automatically use the interpreter and packages from this environment. You can see if your environment is activated by looking at your terminal, it will look like this:

(smartstart) bartkeulen@ihmc:~$

The environment can be deactivated by running

source deactivate

For more information on environments go here.

Installing Smart Exploration Package

To get started with the Smart Exploration package clone the git repository in a local directory on you file system

git clone

The package and its dependencies can now be installed by running

pip install -r /path/to/smartstart/requirements.txt -e /path/to/smartstart/

The -r **/requirements.txt option will install all dependencies needed by the SmartStart package that are listed in the requirements.txt file. The -e **/ option installs the package in editable mode, all code changes have immediate effect.

Updating Package

Generating Docs

Sphinx can be used to automatically generate documentation. This is done by creating a link between the documentation and the source files. When source files are created, deleted or the name is changed the link has to be updated. First go into the docs directory

cd /path/to/smartstart/docs/

Execute the following command for generating/updating the necessary files

sphinx-apidoc -f -o source/ ../smartstart/

After the files have been generated/updated the documentation can be build with

make clean && make html